World Championship Bahamas 2009 - CNF 80m, CWT 102m

Publié le par Guillaume Néry

Some news of the last training sessions: 2 days ago, I did 80 m in CNF. The dive was hard but OK. It took me a very long time to recover after this 3'24" dive. I decided to have a day-off right after this new personal best.
This morning, feeling very confortable in CWT so far, I have announced -102m and I did it with a lot of fun and pleasure. It took me 3'10" to make the dive. I just found out this morning (I already knew, but I can confirm it now) that CNF is much harder than CWT in terms of physical work. I am happy to enjoy the monofin again.
Tomorrow I dive again in constant no fins. I will do a shallower dive and hope to find pleasure again.

Let's see...

Competition starts in 1 week.. Half of the athletes have arrived now. Pressure's increasing...


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<br /> Salut,les ptits loups<br /> C'est super, tout le monde à l'air d'avoir la patate,vous avez fait des superbes perfs en cnf et cwt,ce sont les autres qui vont avoir la pression...passez le bonjour de ma part à ryuzo ,<br /> alexei,johann et les autres.Bises<br /> ps:Pleasure's increasing on the surface and pressure only in the deep!!!<br /> <br /> <br />